Wednesday 18 December 2013

Interview with Richie Stewart

Richie Stewart is a graphic designer, who has designed a number of book covers. You can see my previous blog post for more information.

1: Due to the recent rise in digital publishing do you think the physical book is losing popularity? 
Maybe not in popularity but I think it's far more difficult now for publishing companies to get a legit budget to design and produce a physical book.  

2: Does this affect your design process? Influence your approach to designing the physical book? 
For sure. There are far more variables in the making of a physical book. There is an entire world of print processes and production techniques that can be explored. Where as in the digital format, it's really just a rectangular JPG of the design. 

3: Would you find the front cover of a digital book more limiting to design for?
I think when you have the ability to work in three dimensions it opens up far more options in terms of concept and design choices. So yes, I think a digital book is more limiting but that's not necessarily a bad thing. 

4: Would you take advantage of a book's physicality in your design? 
Absolutely 100%. 

5: How do you use your design to interest the modern audience in a classic book?  
Concept is always going to win. If you have a smart idea and execute it well, people will be attracted to it. 

6: Do you think that interactive book designs are most suited toward a younger audience? Could they still interest adults? 
 I think it attracts people of all ages. Maybe younger people that grew up with books being in digital format would find it more second nature. I think it just comes down to personal preference. 

7: Matte vs. gloss? 
Matte, always.

8: On a whole, do you prefer reading ebooks or the physical copy of a book?
Physical, absolutely.

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