Saturday 5 October 2013

Cardon Webb - Series for Oliver Sacks

Cardon Webb 
In my research, I have also come across examples of book covers that work more successfully in the digital format. An example of this is Cardon Webb's work for a series of Oliver Sacks books. These books look attractive in print, but it is when the covers are shrunk down to icons that things become more interesting. Together the icons form the whole:

Webb explains, “The challenge was to not only have each of the six books book stand on its own visually and conceptually, but also have them, when pieced together, form a single compelling and illustrative image.”
This in an example of books looking better in a digital space than as a physical copy. You could lay out the physical copies of these books to create the same full image, but you can't do that on a bookshelf. I find it interesting that designers are beginning to make use the digital copy by thinking how their designs can be developed to look good on a ebook. 
Yet a thought to the physical has still been given with the appearance of the spine:


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